Is that a coyote track?
One of the best ways to determine if you are in good coyote country is to look for sign. Tracks and scat are the two most common indications of the presence of coyotes. Coyote scat looks similar to that of a mid-sized dog, as do the tracks. So, how do you know if the tracks you are looking at were made by a dog or a coyote or some other animal?
Fortunately there are several indicators to help you answer this question.
The difference between cats and canines
Generally speaking, the tracks of a dog will show claw marks and those of a cat will not. Occasionally, when a cat needs better traction, their tracks can show claw marks.
Cat tracks are usually rounder than those of a coyote while the ‘yote track will be more elongated.
These differences are somewhat arbitrary and subject to error, but the most definitive difference between dog and cat tracks is the shape of the heel pad. Dog tracks will have two lobes on the back of the heel and cat tracks have three. (Graphic from Michigan DNR)
The difference between domestic dogs and coyotes
One good way to differentiate between dogs and coyotes is to look at the overall traffic pattern. Coyotes tend to be more focused than domestic dogs. They usually walk fairly straight from point A to point B. They will occasionally stop to investigate a smell or movement. Domestic dogs are more spastic, bouncing like a pinball all over the place.
This trait is not definitive, but there are some physiological differences as well. Because most dogs spend more time walking on hard surfaces than coyotes, coyote claws are usually sharper, more pointed. It is not uncommon for only the two center claws to be visible in a coyote track, while dog tracks almost always show all four claws. On a domestic dog, the two outer toes are bigger than the two inner toes. The outer toes tend to point more outward. On coyote, it’s the other way around, the inner toes are bigger than the outer toes. The outer toes also tend to point more inward than those of a dog.
Is it a wolf, coyote or fox?
The main difference between these canine species tracks is their size. Wolf tracks are usually five inches long and four inches wide. Coyotes are about half that size and foxes are smaller still. Kit fox and grey fox tracks are the size of a domestic cat. Red fox are a little larger.